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Rashes and skin diseases

Albinism- FRAME is a group that aims to spread knowledge and understanding of certain unusual conditions. The site contains a combination of videos, teaching slides, and images.

Chickenpox - picture - Typical skin eruptions of chickenpox in a boy.

Cradle cap - a fairly common condition in babies. From DermNet, New Zealand.

Cutaneous developmental anomalies in the newborn and infant – From UpToDate. There are links to graphics/images in the left hand column. In the introduction you will also find links to the following chapters: "Skin lesions in the newborn and infant"; "Vesicular, pustular, and bullous lesions in the newborn and infant"; "Skin nodules in newborns and infants"; "Congenital melanocytic nevi".

Dermatlas - database of images - This interactive atlas can be used in 3 modes – Case mode, Main atlas, and Quiz mode. You’ll need to register, but it is quick, free, and easy.

Dermnet - A very large New Zealand database on dermatology topics. It is not limited to pediatric topics, but an excellent resource which contains both text and images.

Erythema infectiosum ('Fifth disease') - picture of rash

Erythema multiforme - Illustrated interactive text. From DermNet, New Zealand.

Exanthema subitum ('Sixth disease') - picture of rash

Flea bites - Pictures of flea bites.

Hardin MD - A large repository of medical images from the University of Iowa. It is not limited to skin diseases, and also contains links to images on other sites.

Ichtyosis - FRAME is a group that aims to spread knowledge and understanding of certain unusual conditions. The site contains a combination of videos, teaching slides, and images.

Infantile hemangioma - FRAME is a group that aims to spread knowledge and understanding of certain unusual conditions. The site contains a combination of videos, teaching slides, and images.

Itching and the bugs that cause it - Slide show from Medscape. You will need to create a (free) user account for Medscape if you don't have one.

Measles - picture - Picture of child with typical measles rash.

Merck Manual – Dermatology - The Merck Manual is really an online textbook. The dermatology section in not limited to children, but does contain information about pediatric skin conditions. There are links to consumer-oriented information in the chapters/sections.

Molluscum contagiosum - pictures - From University of Utah. - Molluscum contagiosum - More pictures plus some text. From DermNet New Zealand. - Molluscum contagiosum - Pictures and text from MedlinePlus Medical encyclopedia.

Newborn infants and their skin - a series of images showing common (and not so common) skin conditions in newborn infants. From the Newborn Nurseries at Lucille Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford University.

Pediatric dermatology image database - searchable, aphabetic.

Pediatric dermatology - Principles of - online textbook with images of many conditions, organized in thematic chapters.

Rashes you need to worry about in children - Slide show from Medscape. As noted above - you will need to create a user account for Medscape if you don't have one.

Scabies - Well illustrated interactive site. From Stanford University.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis ('Cradle cap') - Illustrated interactive text. From DermNet New Zeland.

Skin conditions in infancy - Slide show from Medscape. As noted above - you will need to create a user account for Medscape if you don't have one.

Swimmer's itch - Illustrated text. From DermNet New Zeland.

Tinea infections - This site contains links to web pages which contain text plus pictures of the different forms/localizations of tinea infections. From DermNet New Zealand.

Tinea infections 2 - Slide show from Medscape. As noted above - you will need to create a user account for Medscape if you don't have one.

Viral skin infections - Interactive UK site directed at MDs. From PatientUK.

Warts - Pictures only. From University of Iowa.

Information for parents and children

American Academy of Dermatology - Excellent source of information for the public about skin conditions.

KidsHealth – KidsHealth has sections for parents, children, and teenagers. If you click on one of those headoings, you’ll see a menu where one link is entitled “Disease and conditions”. In that chapter you’ll find links to information about skin conditions, rashes, bug bites, etc.

Molluscum contagiosum - Information pamphlet.

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome fact sheet - From the SJS Foundation.