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Measuring, weighing, and using a growth chart

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Following the growth of a child is one of the most essential skills in pediatrics. Expected growth patterns in healthy children are usually best described in socalled growth charts. Being able to measure and weigh a child, and then record those data correctly on a growth chart, are skllls that you must have mastered before you complete your pediatric rotation. These video clips aim to teach how to perform measurements and use a growth chart to record them. We have used new growth charts for Norwegian children here, but as most growth charts are constructed the same way, you will hopefully not be confused if the growth chart used in your locale/country has e.g. percentiles running slightly differently from what you see in the videos.


These videos were filmed at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet by Christian Nissen, who also edited the videos. The concept and manuscript were the responsibility of professor Thor Willy Ruud Hansen, MD, PhD, Division of Paediatrics, Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet. You are welcome to link to this site for your own teaching needs as long as you credit the source.