Kidney disease stage divided from GFR, which can be estimated from the patient's serum creatinine, where formulas corrected for age, gender and ethnicity. If GFR is below 60 ml / min / 1.73 m 2, the patient has kidney disease and other criteria are not required for detecting kidney disease.
If GFR is above 60 ml / min / 1.73 m 2, the patient must also have other signs of kidney damage. In essence, this involves structural anomalies on ultrasound or pathological proteinekskresjon in urine.
To identify a patient with kidney disease is therefore simple and inexpensive, serum creatinine and urine examination with microscopy and albumin / creatinine ratio will catch the vast majority of patients with kidney disease.

Stadium GFR ml / min / 1,73m 2 Description
1 > 90 Normal renal function, but structural abnormalities or urinary findings suggest kidney disease
2 60-89 Mild renal impairment, structural abnormalities or urinary findings suggest kidney disease
3A 45-59 Moderate renal impairment
3B 30-44 Moderate renal impairment
4 15-29 Severe renal impairment
5 <15 End stage renal disease

To better karakteriere patients used suffixes after the GFR based staging to indicate proteinuria transplantatnyre and dialysis dependence.

p indicates significant proteinuria> 500 mg / day. Proteinuria is an independent risk factor both for the progression of kidney disease and cardiovascular risk. Significant proteinuria therefore indicates a patient with higher riisko than without proteinuria.
T indicates that the patient has kidney transplant.
D Indicates that the patient is on dialysis and they differ in stage 5 who are on dialysis from those not on dialysis.

Patients with GFR 50, significant proteinuria: Stadium 3a.beta
Transplanted patients with GFR 50 and significant proteinuria: Stadium 3ATp