Korikosteroider (cortisone)

Cortisol is a vital stress hormone produced in greater quantity when the organism is exposed to stress such as infection, injury and psychological stress reactions. The adrenal glands produce cortisol, the brain controls cortisol levels through ACTH production in the pituitary gland. Cortisol acts on all body cells. The effect is catabolic when the body's energy reserves are broken down and gluconeogenesis increases. In addition, the cortisol salt and water retention by cortisol in high levels will influence the aldosterone receptor in the main cells in the manifold. (Link to the main cells). Salt and water retention will increase the circulating blood volume and improve tissue perfusion in a stress reaction. The main effect that we use therapeutic is that cortisol modulates the immune response, acting immunosuppressants and prevents cytokine response and cytotoxic effect of white blood cells. The use of corticosteroids is an important part of treatment for many autoimmune kidney medical illnesses where the body's immune system attacks its own tissues or where the immune response shoot wide of the mark. The side effects of long term use is serious why lowest effective dose should always be sought. Hypertension, development of diabetes mellitus, Cushingoid appearance with synne extremities and central obesity, fragile skin and osteoporosis are all common side effects that will affect a patient treated with corticosteroids over time.