Goodpasture's disease (anti-GBM disease)


Anti-GBM disease is a disease in which autoantibodies against the glomerular basement membrane is recovered in the circulation. The antibodies generates a hasty glomerulonephritis often presents itself as crescents freely. Auto antibodies may also react with the alveolar basement membrane and provide a renopulmonalt syndrome with pulmonary bleeding and glomerulonephritis state is known as Goodpasture's disease.


Unknown stimuli induces The generation of autoantibodies.


Link to patologidel

Clinical presentation

Presents itself with classic hasty nephritic presentation with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (crescents free). Rarely large proteinuria. Approximately 50% of patients also have pulmonary involvement (Goodpasture's disease) with hemoptysis and dyspnea as symptoms.

Urinary Findings

Link to nefrittsediment

Course and treatment

Untreated, the prognosis is very poor. Rapid diagnosis and initiation of powerful immunosuppressive treatment and plasma exchange is needed to have any hope of preserving renal function. If patients do not start treatment until they are requiring dialysis, kidney prognosis is poor. If you come early with adequate treatment, the makeup exam this anti-GBM is negative, minimum 3.2 months with immunosuppression. The chance of recurrence is relatively small by undergone acute illness.

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