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Welcome to digital learning resources ("e-læring" in Norwegian) relevant for Obstetrics and Gynecology ("Fødselshjelp og Kvinnesykdommer") in Module 6 of the Medical Faculty, University of Oslo. This web resource was initiated late 2018, and is expected to expand in the years to come.

These web pages aim to assist medical students in their learning of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The content is adapted to the curriculum at the University of Oslo and is intended to support the learning obtained from class teaching, clinical "small group" tuition, seminars and teaching books. The resources can be used for preparation for courses, a repetition of clinical training, and improved understanding of clinical and basic knowledge taught in classes and small groups.

Module 6 of the Medical Faculty is taught in English, due to a term with many exchange students from other Universities outside Norway. The language of these web pages will therefore also mostly be in English.

This University of Oslo web site is initiated by Professor Annetine Staff in 2018, who has authored the learning resources together with Professor Anne Flem Jacobsen. Several MDs are recognized for their input on specific themes, including Nina Verket (obstetrical examination of abdomen) and Camilla Bowen/ Thao Ho (contraception). This web page also links to other learning resources, where relevant.

We appreciate feedback and contributions with other topics
Please contact: elaring-obstgyn@medisin.uio.no

Professor, head of research and consultant Anne Cathrine Staff
University of Oslo and Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oslo University Hospital
Professor, senior consultant Anne Flem Jacobsen
University of Oslo and Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oslo University Hospital