Testis with a non-seminoma, differentiated as a yolk sac tumor.

Clinical story

39 years old male with a tumor in the right testicle. The gross appearance was of an enlarged testicle weighing more than 100 grams and with an intact capsule. Cross-section showed a dark brown tumor, displacing most of the testicular tissue.

Virtual microscopy of the slide


The tumor tissue is partly necrotic, consisting of epithelial-like pleomorphic cells, growing in sheets or with gland- like structures. Some papillary structures with central vessels can be seen, indicating differentiation into endodermal sinus tumor.

Adjacent to the tumor, atrophic testicular tissue with atypical germ cells with enlarged and hyperchromatic nuclei is found in some tubuli, consistent with in-situ changes.

Learning goals

To recognize the malignant germ cell tumor of a seminoma type and understand the different routes of development in germ cell derived tumors in males.