Procedures and technical skills
Abcess incision and drainage - Video from New England Journal of Medicine which teaches you the technique for draining a cutaneous abcess. Although shown for an adult, the basic technique is the same for children.
Arterial blood sampling in the newborn infant - A 5-min video from YouTube.
Arterial line - placement of - Video from New England Journal of Medicine which teaches you the technique for placing a radial artery line. Although shown for an adult, the basic technique is the same for children.
Arterial line - placement of 2 - Slide show from Medscape which shows you the technique for placing a radial artery line. Plase note - you will need to create a Medscape account if you don't have one. Don't worry - it's free and easy!
Bag-and-mask ventilation - Video from New England Journal of Medicine which teaches you the technique for bag-and-mask ventilation. Although shown for an adult, the basic technique is the same for children. Remember that because children have larger heads, placing a rolled towel under the shoulders will be necessary to maintain as straight an airway as possible.
Basic techniques in resuscitation - These video clips aim to teach you the basic techniques of infant resuscitation. There are four video clips which should be watched in sequence. From the University of Oslo.
Bone marrow aspiration - These video clips aim to teach you what you need to know in order to perform a bone marrow aspiration safely and correctly. There are three video clips which should be watched in sequence. From the University of Oslo.
Central venous line placement (percutaneous) in a newborn infant - 43 min video from Princess Anne Hospital Southampton (part of the MPROvE programme). This material is most suitable for specialists and specialist candidates.
Femoral vein cannulation - From UpToDate – takes you through the theoretical background. Still images from insertion in an adult, but the technique is the same for children.
Femoral vein cannulation - Video from New England Journal of Medicine. Shows insertion in an adult.
Hand hygiene - Hand hygiene is extremely important whenever you apply your hands to a patient, be it for a plain physical examination, or for performing invasice procedures. You should look at this interactive tool provided by the Centers for Disease Control.
Intraosseus access - slide show - From Medscape. Plase note - you will need to create a Medscape account if you don't have one. Don't worry - it's free and easy!
Intubation of the trachea - Video from New England Journal of Medicine, which instructs you in orotracheal intubation. Although shown for an adult, the basic technique is similar for children. In infants nasotracheal intubation is preferred by some. Also, in infants and small children a straight (not curved) laryngoscope blade is used to facilitate visualization of the larynx, due to the differences in upper airway anatomy. Cuffed endotracheal tubes are not used in infants. Remember that because children have larger heads, placing a rolled towel under the shoulders will be necessary to maintain as straight an airway as possible.
Intubation of a newborn infant - From YouTube. 8-min video which combines use of a manikin with some real life clips of what the upper airways look like during intubation.
IV Insertion Technique in Infants and Small Children - A 5-min video from Tuft’s Medical Center & The Floating Hospital for Children, Boston, MA, USA. Excellent step-by-step demonstration of both catheter details and insertion technique.
IV cannulation in a septic work-up of an infant - A 7-min video from YouTube. A very useful “companion” video to watch when you have first seen the more systematic approach in the previous link. This one is more like “real life”.
Laceration repair - Video from New England Journal of Medicine, which instructs you in the basics of wound closure. Although shown for an adult, the basic technique is the same for children.
Lumbar puncture - Video from New England Journal of Medicine, which instructs you in the basics of lumbar puncture as performed on adults. Although shown for an adult, the basic technique is the same for children.
Lumbar puncture/spinal tap - These video clips aim to teach you what you need to know in order to perform a lumbar puncture/spinal tap safely and correctly. There are three video clips which should be watched in sequence. From the University of Oslo. (Videos are not available for the time being)
Nasogastric tube - placement of - Video from New England Journal of Medicine which teaches you the technique for placing a nasogastric tube. Although shown for an adult, the basic technique is the same for children.
Nasogastric tube placement in an infant - From YouTube. Shows how a mother has mastered the technique of inserting an NG tube in her own baby.
Paracentesis/Laparocentesis - Video from New England Journal of Medicine which teaches you the technique for tapping into the abdominal cavity for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Although shown for an adult, the basic technique is the same for children.
Sedation in pediatrics - From eMedicine/Medscape. Remember that guidelines such as these may vary between hospitals and departments. Thus, the guidelines presented in this link are useful for learning about the topic, but you should always familiarize yourself with the guidelines extant in your practice setting. Medscape requires a (free) subscription.
Sedation for procedures outside the OR - From UpToDate – a high-quality source of updated medical information. All UpToDate chapters contain many links to background information. Chapters are otherwise often “online textbooks” with limited illustrations. UpToDate requires a subscription, but is free to medical practitioners and students in Norway through Helsebiblioteket (
Suprapubic bladder tap - Video showing the technique for obtaining a urine sample by suprapubic bladder tap in a baby. From Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. Requires QuickTime.
Thoracocentesis - - Video from New England Journal of Medicine which teaches you the technique for tapping the chest for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Although shown for an adult, the basic technique is the same for children.
Tympanocentesis in children - Video from New England Journal of Medicine which teaches you the technique for incising the tympanic membrane in a chid with otitis.
Umbilical catheters - This video aims to teach you what you need to know in order to create a model with which you can teach and practice insertion of umbilical catheters. We have filmed this procedure at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, Division of pediatric and adolescent Medicine, following the rules and regulations in that hospital. Please be aware that details may vary between institutions as far as disinfectants, use of covers, gloves etc. You must familiarize yourself with the routines and regulations extant in your hospital and adhere to those.
Umbilical vein catheterization (emergency) - A 5-min video from the Indiana University School of Medicine – “The 3x3 method for placing emergency umbilical venous catheters”. An excellent video with an easy-to-remember message!
Umbilical vascular catheterization - Video from New England Journal of Medicine
Umbilical artery catheterization – a simplified technique - From Stanford University School of Medicine (J Pediatr 2014).
Urethral catheterization - female - Video from New England Journal of Medicine which teaches you the technique for catheterizing the urethra in females. Although shown for an adult, the basic technique and precautions are very similar for children.
Urethral catheterization - male - Video from New England Journal of Medicine which teaches you the technique for catheterizing the urethra in males. Although shown for an adult, the basic technique and precautions are very similar for children.
Using a growth chart - These video clips aim to teach you the basic pediatric skills of weighing, measuring, and plotting a growth chart. There are three video clips which should be watched in sequence. From the University of Oslo.
Venous blood sampling in a newborn infant - A 6.5-min video from YouTube.