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Tilleggsundersøkelser av kne


Diagnostisk veiledende forkalkninger i:

  • Kneleddsbrusk og/eller meniskene.
  • Ligamentum triangulare i radiocarpalleddet
  • Symfysen

Sees som kalkavleiring (perlebånd) i brusken røntgenologisk.


Chondrocalcinosis with marked calcifications of menisci. Manger B. Department of Medicine III, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany.

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Typical radiocarpal involvement in a patient with chondrocalcinosis. Clear evidence of calcifications in the triangular ligaments and cystic degenerative changes of the ulnar head. Grassi W, Filippucci E. Department of Rheumatology, University of Ancona, Italy.

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Chondrocalcinosis. Pubic symphysis calcification. Grassi W. Department of Rheumatology, University of Ancona, Italy.

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